Momma Told Me: Don't waste time fearing what you can't see.
When I was a little girl I had the worst night terrors- We lived in a 2 bedroom condo in which my bedroom had a massive walk in closet with an entrance to the attic. One Summer, when I was still quite young, a nest of wasps decided to take home in the attic directly above my bedroom. For weeks I would lay, terrified of the ambient buzzing I could hear, but not see and for weeks Momma would console me, telling me there was nothing to fear, it was all in my head. Then, one day, after I absolutely refused to go into my bedroom at bedtime, my father decided to take a journey into the attic to show me I was being quite ridiculous.
I wish I could say I was reassured by what unfolded next- but, as you can imagine, a nest of wasps being uncovered in a dark and desolate attic was far from a joyful sight. And never again did my mother tell me that which couldn't be seen wasn't of bother.
On the surface this story might seem to have nothing to do with pets at all, but it really is a good metaphor for parasites and our dogs. Through the years, as a pet parent, I've come to learn that parasites, such as fleas, are not a seasonal worry. While it may seem like fleas are more active in the Summer, when our dogs may be spending more time outdoors, they can survive impressively inhospitable conditions and the non visible fleas may be the ones you should fear most. Visible fleas make up just a small portion of the flea population, and those that aren't visible can live in your home for up to a year before finding a host.
And, while fleas can be carriers for other parasites, such as tapeworms, there are even more pests, such as mosquitoes, which can transmit parasites as well. Just one bite from an infected mosquito can give an otherwise healthy dog heartworm- a deadly parasite that is often not detected until it is causing potentially life threatening symptoms to the host dog. Because of this most veterinarians recommend annual or biannual heartworm screenings. Whipworms, roundworms, and hookworms round out the list of the 6 of the most common parasites found in canines. It's enough to keep any pet parent up at night.
Unfortunately, one of the most common misconceptions about parasites and dogs is that the threat is seasonal- We shared a reader poll last month and 20% of those polled said they only provide their dog flea protection during the Spring and Summer months! Fleas, and parasites don't take a break! Female fleas can produce up to 40-50 eggs a day, and most adult fleas survive 2-3 months under normal conditions- making them a year round concern whether your dog is primarily indoors, or out chasing ducks by the creek.
Dogs can contract tapeworms from simply grooming themselves, whether an active flea infestation is present in home or not- one single flea ingested during everyday grooming, gnawing on a flea bite, or coming across a dead animal, can result in a tapeworm problem. Tapeworms are typically not detected until the issue presents itself as changes in the dog's behavior, appetite, or literal worms being expelled in a dog's bowel movements. If any of this sounds terrifying or nauseating, it should- because parasites, such as tapeworm, are preventable with a simple year-round treatment called Virbac® SENTINEL® SPECTRUM® (More info about Sentinel Spectrum.)
Fearing what you can't see is a natural instinct- but fearing the 6 most common parasites in your dog, doesn't have to be. Ask your veterinarian if Virbac® SENTINEL® SPECTRUM® can help provide peace of mind year round for you and your canine family. (Learn about a special rebate here!) Virbac® SENTINEL® SPECTRUM® is a once a month, delicious bacon flavored chew, given to your dog as a treat with a small meal. It's unique active ingredient, Lufenuron, prevents fleas from developing into adults, while the broad spectrum paraciticide also actively protects against tapeworms, hookworm, whipworm, roundworm, and heartworm. Virbac® SENTINEL® SPECTRUM® can help protect your dog so you can stop worrying about the parasites you can't see, and they can get back to being a dog again- or, in our case, role-playing as a goat in the backyard.
What Daughter Says: Fleas, and parasites, should be a concern year-round- but you don't have leave your dog unguarded. Ask your vet about Virbac Sentinel Spectrum today!
Explore the info-graphic (COMING SOON!) below to learn more about Flea and Tapeworm knowledge, as surveyed from readers in our last post!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Virbac® SENTINEL® SPECTRUM®. The opinions and text are all mine.