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Momma Told Me: Just try it, you might be surprised!
Growing up, Momma was a wizard in the kitchen. She excelled at taking ordinary, boring, ingredients and transforming them into fun and exciting new dishes. What I especially loved was the way she'd play with well known and loved flavors and treats to make something illogical in presentation and taste. Every year my friends and I would request her famous April Fool's 'Hamburgers,' made with a brownie 'patty,' sweet brioche 'bun,' frosting 'ketchup and mustard,' and shredded coconut 'lettuce.' It never got old eating dessert for lunch on April 1st, and it's a tradition I try to take into my kitchen to this day. And this Halloween, when I'm serving up delicious TEN varieties, like
Dr Pepper TEN and Canada Dry TEN, I'll feel especially tricky myself knowing that I'm serving them all of their favorite soda flavor, with just 10 calories per serving.
Speaking of flavor, Dr Pepper is no stranger- with it's blend of 23 distinct flavors (some of them quite unexpected themselves) it's an International favorite with a cult following. I should know, Jay and his buddy are constant hunting down Dr Pepper flavored products and recipes to post on Instagram. And if you didn't think he was 'Super Fan' enough, check out the finish shot from our recent trip to the 2014 Ventura Color Run! Does the can look a little 'different' to you? That's because the Dr Pepper TEN variety is one of 4 TEN varieties taking popular soda brand flavors and twisting them upside down with just TEN calories per serving. All the flavor, not guilt!

As you can see, we don't need an excuse to #drinkTEN sodas, but I was a bit inspired by Momma to bring home some of my own unique flavor and fun to our upcoming Halloween bash. While at our local Kroger, stocking up on 7UP TEN, A&W TEN, and Dr Pepper TEN, for our guests, I also grabbed a few harmless apples and some gelatin for a 'mad scientist' kitchen creation, or two, of my own. My first order of business? Combining sugar free-JELLO, a packet of gelatin, heavy whipping cream, and Dr Pepper TEN to mold some frightfully delicious Cherry Dr Pepper gelatin worms for our punch.

Having dabbled with, and enjoyed great success, on the topic of cooking with soda, I became determined to find a suitable recipe to craft a homemade caramel dip for our candy apples. Dr Pepper s known for it's bold sweet and tangy flavors and often lends itself to caramel notes. Baking with a TEN soda was bound to be a little tricky in texture, but I was fairly surprised with our success. You'll find the complete recipe, down below; but I'll give you the basic rundown of the process. One begins by bringing sugar to a melt in a heavy saucepan, over medium heat. Once the sugar begins to turn clear around the edges a constant stir is required to keep the sugar from melting.

When the sugar has dissolved into an even, light brown, consistency, begin adding the cream a little at a time. The mixture will bubble up a bit so it is important that you stir between pours until all of the cream is introduced and the mixture is even. At this time you will add some of your Dr Pepper TEN- just a little goes a long way to add flavor and tint to your caramel base. You may add red food coloring if you desire a color a little richer. Lastly, add honey and salt, stirring over medium-high heat until your caramel has reached the soft ball stage (about 225F.) Remove from heat and stir in butter and vanilla. Caramel will thicken as it cools.

Dipping your apples with a homemade caramel can prove tricky. If you wait too long the caramel can get thick and tough to work with- thankfully, the Dr Pepper TEN variety helps keep this caramel on the fluid side. I chilled my apples in the freezer while I prepared my caramel to help the dip set faster. When dipping your apples use a gentle twisting motion, with the apple at an angle, to help coat the entire apple from top to bottom. Store dipped apples on wax or parchment paper. Some caramel will run down and pool at the bottom, and you may desire to dip the apple a second time, after cooling. Be sure to let your dipped apples chill before adding and decorative chocolate drizzle, as extra heat could cause decorations to run.

With our Poisoned Pepper Apples ready to be plated (do not cut apples until you are ready to serve, as they will brown quickly once they touch air,) I began working on the rest of our table's setup. Though this was a stage run, for the following weekend, the apples will store in the fridge for up to 2 weeks, in cellophane bags or uncovered; so I was free to play with my punch recipe and decorations. I took a few large mason jars and affixed some fun labels to them, then layered them with tapioca pudding, slices of zucchini 'fingers' and tomato 'brains' to make a devilish jar of mad scientist leftovers. The pudding really clumped in the dyed water base for maximum effect.

We had a few plastic test tubes laying around so I filled them half with cooking oil and half with red colored water to make some vials of blood the kids would love playing with. The result is quite mesmerizing (think of one of those colored oil frames from the 90s.) For our 'punch' we used some plastic beakers filled with ice to offer a special drink in addition to our cans of TEN beverages. I topped each beaker off with a scoop of organic strawberry sorbet (the perfect texture of brains with it's clumps of strawberry seeds!)

Adding a little bit of green food coloring (just a few drops) to a 2 liter of 7UP TEN really gave our 'punch' a great color when poured atop the sherbert brains. Lastly, our JELLO Dr Pepper TEN worms turned out an equally creepy mauve color, with slippery, wriggly, texture to top our brains! The result was a creepy, delicious, Heads Up 7UP Zombie inspired Punch perfect for ghouls and goblins of all ages. Naturally, this could be adapted into a shooter if one wishes, though I quite find it intimidating enough with the jiggling worms and fizzing brains!

The moral of the story, folks? It can be awful fun to play around with flavors and textures to deceive the eyes and palette. If the TEN range of beverages is any testament, with their bold flavor at just TEN calories, then you don't need an excuse to pick up that Zombie Punch and give it a whirl. Not everything that sounds scary is quite so terrifying- why not pick up your favorite soda in it's TEN variety, from a Kroger, today and see what other delights you can bring to your guests this Halloween? Check out more low calorie recipes and pairings on the
TEN Weeks of TEN Pinterest board!
Do you like to play tricks with your treats when entertaining? What's your secret to flavorful fun?
What Daughter Says: Not everything different is quite so wicked, find new ways to enjoy your favorite flavors.
Poisoned Pepper Apples- AKA Dr Pepper Candy Apples
Heads Up 7Up Zombie Punch with JELL-O Worms