Momma Told Me: You can only be your best you.
I was a fickle little girl. In many ways I am, today, a fickle woman. I believe in doing things because they are right, though not necessarily easy, and only putting my name on that which is the absolute best representation of myself. As a young girl I changed my career aspirations almost daily, though for the most part I sincerely wanted to be a dolphin trainer and vet. I was shy, and a bookworm, and being 'social' didn't come easy to me; so I spend the majority of my time crafting alongside Momma or making my own 'Jenmark' greeting cards and publishing the latest issue of our house newspaper, the
Amaral Times. When I 'grew up,' however, the task of settling on a career came no easier.
I graduated high school at 16 and promptly accepted an invitation to the Art Insitutes of Los Angeles. I could have done many things, I suppose, and perhaps some were disappointed, but I set out to design video games. After a few semesters of graphic design I quickly learned, while I loved to create, I did not love being told what to create. And that is why the
Social Fabric Community is a priceless home to me- because I am at last able to let my true colors shine, to be myself.
Some of my readers may not be aware that I blog as part of an online social marketing community known as Social Fabric. While you're likely aware of advertising within blog-space, I assure you this partnership is not like anything you've heard of before. #CollectiveBias/ Social Fabric works with some of the biggest and best companies; companies I already value in everyday life. They carefully craft campaigns that will not only offer engaging prompts for bloggers to sink their teeth into, but they also provide an inspiring platform for you, the reader, to learn about new ways to use beloved and new products. If you stopped to take a look around, I bet you some of your favorite posts from the last year were a part of my partnership with Social Fabric (there were 44!)

Every year, okay this is the second year- but I hope it's certainly not the last, Social Fabric hosts a blogger conference for it's network of influencers and literally rocks the pants off the blogging world. Last year this event, SoFabCon, was hosted by Nestle and, though I couldn't attend, rocked my world all the way from Arkansas to California. I remember following the feeds of fellow bloggers anxiously hoping to sneak a peek at hot new products (Conair Curl Secret) and furiously cutting/pasting their diligent notes from the various workshops. Oh to see my butt in one of those folding chairs on the conference floor- it would be a dream!
I've been blogging for almost 5 years now, and maintain my blog as a forum for my passion- connecting with people around the world with engaging original content. Like all bloggers, I can look back to the beginning and see tremendous growth; growth I attribute to guidance from companies and fellow bloggers along the way. It is true that 'us bloggers' are a community, we support one-another through pregnancies, divorces, illness, the Blogger-Wordpress conversion, and so much more. Nothing illustrates this better than Social Fabric, a community of bloggers who I'd finally have the chance to meet should I get the chance to attend this year's conference.

In my years blogging I've yet to attend a blogging conference. The biggest hurdle for me, personally, has always been travel and accommodations. If I had the opportunity to attend this year's SoFabCon in Bentonville, AR, I would arrive decked in my green and blue, tablet, pencil, and pad in hand ready to grow among my peers and ask every burning question with an outstretched hand. I'd take the experience as an opportunity to make new friends, but also to grow in areas such as social amplification procedures, vlolgging (my videos need help!), and storytelling execution. As I #LuvSoFab14 I have had the chance to attend mentor/CL workshops, and attend the virtual SoFabU, which have proved invaluable through each experience; I can hardly fathom the wealth of knowledge at my eyes and eardrums should I attend.

Remember my tale about the fickle young girl, turned quirky adult? While I was in management for several years before leaving my '9 to 5,' the concept of coaching someone over being a part of an equal crowd is quite different. Believe it or not, outside of this screen I can be quite an anxious wreck in front of 'strangers.' Just taking the photo about was very far from my comfort zone, as cars honked and passengers hung out their windows to wave. Outside of this screen I feel naked, and #SoFabCon14 has already worked wonders to help me break those boundaries with this post alone. The opportunity to come out of my shell and engage one-on-one with brand ambassadors, keynote speakers, and my fellow bloggers would be a priceless experience I would carry with me in execution my whole life.
I don't just want to blog for this company, folks, I want to east, sleep, and dream for this company. Ever since being accepted into this community a year ago I've fancied myself one-day a campaign leader; and even dared to dream of a social media marketing career helping to craft their campaigns and engage with clients. After all, concepts and brainstorming are the most exciting part of this 'career' to me; though every day's a great day to check into the office when you love what you do. Could I be luckier that SoFab allows me to work alongside them, and cultivates talent from within?

It's great to hear praise from people that matter, and after all, the only opinions that should matter are those which you respect, right? But I am the sort of person who feels I will never reach my potential, that is, I can never stop growing. Humans are always evolving, always learning, hopefully always striving to be better. To me, Social Fabric is about nurturing every aspect, from the strong fibers of invaluable interpersonal connections, to the power of several voices sharing the same platform. Not only would a trip to this year's SoFabCon provide me with the tools to continue growing my skills as a blogger, but as an individual as well. Perhaps I'd even have the chance to share some of my insight with bloggers just starting out.
I could list you a hundred reasons why I want to attend this year's #SoFabCon14, I am quite wordy, you know, but at it's core, this community (and that's what it is), is my inspiration. Yes I made a graphic of my favorite shops, I hand crafted a cookie in the company logo that dispenses M&M's (because I love MARS), I drew a drawing to represent my child-like sense of SoFabCon wonder, I carefully crafted a beauty look to wear to the event, and I stood on the corner of our busiest freeway on-ramp with a handmade sign begging for a shot (which was way out of my comfort zone). All of these things are not please to attend, but reasons why I want to go- I would have done none of these things a year ago. I owe my personal and blogging growth to SoFab, and would value the opportunity to continue growing through this experience the most.
Want to find out who get's to go on a VIP trip to #SoFabCon14? The Collective Bias® SoFabCon Leadership Team will choose 6 winners based
off of originality, spirit, and quality, and announce the six winners during the SoFabCon Twitter party on February 3rd at 11:00 am EST. Be sure to attend to hear the winners and have a great time!
What Daughter Says: An experience is nothing without the open heart and mind to take it all in. I hope to be my best me while attending #SoFabCon14.