Momma Told Me: Have you scooped the litter box today?
At this time in my life, I don't have any kids. I do, however, consider pets to be the next closest thing to having children. If anything, they are even more 'child-like' than human kids; as human children eventually learn to communicate their needs through verbal speaking. My four-legged kids have to manage their own form of communication through ankle swats and loud purrs. In fact, that's precisely how I ended up with our first cat- shortly after I'd been married, to test the strength of my husband and I's skills at raising and caring for another living being.
And, while I didn't carry her in my womb for 9 months, the search for Ms. Truffles was almost as long, since I began at the end of 'cat season.' (I'll be honest I had no idea there was such a thing- we seemed to see stray kittens year-round). Finally, when I was about to give up, Truffles found us. At a nearby chicken farm, covered in fleas and huddled, terrified, in the back of an over sized crate. There were roosters making loud noises below her, giant German Shepards sniffing at her face, and she was the last of her litter remaining, weened just a little too soon. I was in for a whole new world of kitty kisses and cat litter.

I took that scraggly black and white ball of fluff home, with a $10 'rehoming fee,' and we have been inseparable ever since, straight through two moves and a divorce. We now have other pets, but Truffles is my baby, a true 'Momma's girl.' She won't eat her dinner if a stranger pours it for her, she plays 'mouse fetch' with me while Jay's at work, and she insists on sitting on the toilet while I shower, for fear the loud, wet, 'shower' will swallow me whole. Truffles has her own Facebook page (with near 2k fans) and her own blog, as well as a magnet on my car professing my love. Some might think I rescued her from the life of a stray, but the truth is, she really rescued me. Everything except for my nose, that is.
I grew up with cats, spending the first half of my life in a condo, that was all we had room for. And Momma, with a compromised immune system, promptly taught me all about the joys of being a responsible pet owner. We had one litter box by the front door, and I was in charge of keeping it spotless. (I'm not exaggerating, I'd get updates from Momma when a cat would even walk past the litter box.) Today, Truffles (5) is a picky cat, set in her ways. When she was 1 we taught her to use the human toilet, which worked well for about 6 months until she decided she didn't like the little 'splash' of water that would come back up at her when she did her business. Shopping for litter can be confusing, check out our
Google+ Album to see more on why we decided to make the switch to the new Fresh Step formula.
Today we have 2 litter boxes, one in the living room, and one in our bedroom (for times when we have to tuck her away while guests are over, or the front door needs to be open an extended amount of time.) I was uneasy about putting a bathroom, because that's what it is, isn't it, in our bedroom- so I've been on the hunt for odor controlling litter ever since. As I mentioned, Truffles is not easy to please. If she feels her litter box has not been kept up to her standards she will protest and do her business on the mat right outside it! And, if she doesn't like her new litter, she'll transition to one box, instead of both, doubling the amount of work for Mom.
Recently we discovered a new and improved blend of Fresh Step Odor Shield scoopable cat litter, infused with carbon and plant extracts to eliminate odors naturally. Thanks to a new 42lb value bag at
Sam's Club, you can stock up on this new formula and score double Paw Points for a limited time. What are Paw Points? This is Fresh Step's new loyalty program for pt parents who buy their product regularly. It's as simple as joining the
Paw Points loyalty program online at the Fresh Step website, then entering the codes you find on the specially marked packages. You'll easily rack up points with the 42lb Odor Shield bag at Sam's Club, and be on your way to free cat litter, exclusive discounts, and even adorable cat posters in no time.
I know you're dying to hear how the new litter stacked up with Ms. Picky (Truffles) in our home. As it turns out, if cat's could speak, that is, I'm fairly certain she'd give it a 5 fish review. A few months back I'd switched our household to a new litter and we'd be seeing signs of protest. No sooner had I poured the new carbon and plant extract infused litter into Truffles' box than she felt the need to make a personal inspection. her approval was stamped as only she could, and we've been enjoying a much more pleasant home since. In fact, Truffles loved it so much, we decided to add a package to our quarterly delivery to the local animal shelter.
Where I once could be caught grabbing anything in sight to cover my nose from the smell of the litter box, newspapers, nick-knacks, even the cat (how do you think cat-bearding got started?), I can now go an entire day without realizing it's there. So, reason stands our local shelter, with an astounding 200+ felines this month, could benefit from the odor eliminating power of new Fresh Step. In fact, we stopped by the Kitty Kottage on our visit to check out some of the shelter's star adoption candidates. With the powerful odor control harnessed within new Fresh Step Odor Shield, there's fewer excuses than ever not to adopt a that feline you've been wanting to expand your family.

I'd intended to get some adorable cat-bearding shots of the super-star kitties, while at the shelter, but it turned out to be 'cleaning time' for the volunteers at the Kottage. Instead I had a chance to talk litter control and animal control with the County official in charge of feline adoptions. Not only did we learn that there were 5 litter boxes in that 6 cat room alone, but that the shelter often has to operate with donations alone- So they don't always have the highest quality litter. I'm sure our 42lb bag will certainly come in handy in this special visitors room for prospective pet parents! We also learned that the county shelter, and many others like them, rely most on adoptions (not donations and volunteers) to remain operational. The best way to help a pet in need is to give it a loving, long term, home!
In conclusion, if you've considered adopting a cat, but have fears about litter control and odor; pick up a box of new, improved, Fresh Step Odor Shield at your local Sam's Club and put those fears behind you. If you already have a beloved fur baby, stop posting all those adorable cat-bearding shots as you try to mask the smell, and make the switch. But, before you do,be sure to head on over to the Fresh Step and Social Fabric
Cat-Bearding Contest and link up your cat-bearding photos, for a shot at a $1000 prize bundle! Entering couldn't be more easy, and you can link up to 15 photos to maximize your chances. I repeat, Cat-Beard, Link Up, Switch Litter, and Win Big!
What Daughter Says: Forget the darker side of cat-parenting, breathe easier with a new, natural litter infused with plant extracts.