If there's one thing every pet parent can relate to, it's the constant juggle to balance your pet's presence in your home with your unique style and flair.
At the risk of sounding like a crazy cat lady, there was a time in my life I considered cat hair more of a statement decoration, than a nuisance such as dust or stains. I simply learned to live with and accept certain things to be true; I would never wear another article of truly white clothing, any electronic I needed to use imminently was the best seat in the house, and stepping on a squeaky toy in the middle of the night beat stepping on a Leggo. Of course, having Jay around, an outsider in my home, made me see there just might be a need to fight the madness. Having pets didn't mean I had to give up fashion, design, or comfort. We could actually co-exist together.
And, while we seem to have found a balance of style and convenience that meets the cat's approval (because, let's face it, the cat's far more picky than the dog ever will be,) the holidays always pose their own unique struggles. This year, on top of them, we're actually moving into our new home smack in the middle of the holiday season. In an effort to dissuade the cat from her usual tree- shenanigans I invested a new, thin, tree which would prove impossible to scale (at least we like to think) and less delicious to the cat. This dream lasted about 2 days, at which time I immediately proceeded to my local Target for some inspiration.
Nothing's ever going to be quite as exciting as a giant cat brush tree, but I knew I could lure the cat back to her intended hangout- the literal cat tree, with a few simple improvisations and pet safe decorations. I also knew there was no way I was inviting my family into my new home for the holidays with a cream color cat tree that actually looked grey. So I made a beeline for the household cleaning supply aisle in hunt of a solid lint roller that could de-fur my household in time for holiday visitors.
We're not talking some ordinary junk drawer emergency lint roller either, we're talking a heavy-duty, multi-purpose utility tool with the power to remove layers of cat hair, dust, fibers, and foreign objects from nearly any soft surface. Available in multiple sizes, the Scotch-Brite™ 50% Stickier Lint Roller is not only stickier than ever (yeah, duh, it's in the name!) it's an easy to grip magical eraser of all your holiday pet shame. Okay, it's a roll of super duper sticker, easy to tear, sheets that conveniently stick to and roll on a variety of surfaces so you can roll and move on with your life- without pulling out the vacuum cleaner. And, as a crafter and Pinterest addict, I use Scotch-Brite™ 50% Stickier 4.8" Lint Rollers to pick up pretty much every wayward material, from glitter and sand to ribbon and yarn.
Pssst! Take advantage of a great Target Cartwheel offer for 15% Off A Scotch-Brite 50% Stickier Lint Roller (11/27-12/3)!
Now for a brief admittance of my failure as a pet mom- Our maltese-yorkie, Nora, loves to dress up- but the cat insists on hunting out her wardrobe and rolling in it like a fresh pile of laundry. Nora never knows the difference, but I feel a twinge of guilt that I let such sibling rivalry go on under my roof. It's embarrassing for me to walk out of the house coated in cat hair, so it doesn't seem right the dog should have to prance around in it. Thankfully my Scotch-Brite™ 50% Stickier Lint Roller 80 sheet 4.8" rollers from Target pull dryer lint, holiday glitter, and cat fur right off Nora's most festive clothes, so she can get back to looking dapper.
And who doesn't think tiny dogs belong in tiny sweaters during the holidays? I like to think Nora was one the best dressed at our family's Thanksgiving meal! She might be getting a little shaggy with her Winter coat, but her holiday style is on fleek ya'll!
Meanwhile, the cat continued her calculated assault on our new Christmas tree. Quickly she decided, just because the branches would not support her weight to lounge and climb didn't mean she wouldn't meticulously pull and bend as many of them downward as possible. I can only turn the flattened side of the tree to the wall twice before I have to 'build' the entire tree again!
So part 2 of my master plan was set into motion- With an old pot, water, red food dye, gloves, and 10' of sisal rope, I began preparations for operation 'Christmas Cat Tree.' Of course, what I wasn't counting on was for Southern California to have 1 of it's 5 days of annual rain on the day I'd intended to dry my stained rope- so the rope I'd placed out on the grass to dry in the sun quickly became drenched, and faded. While my rope underwent Take 2, I proceeded to make some yarn cat pom-poms to adorn my completed cat tree.
Making large, cat safe, yarn pom-poms is relatively easy and can be done by anyone with a hand, scissors, and yarn.
1. Begin by wrapping the yarn of your choice around your 4 out-stretched fingers 100-120 times.
2. Carefully remove the roll of yarn and place it on a flat surface.
3. Cut a strip of yarn approximately 9" long and feed it through the center of your yarn roll.
4. Bring both ends of the cut yarn up towards you and tie in a tight double knot.
5. Turn the roll of yarn over and tie the yarn, once again, in the same direction across the middle. Double knot the yarn, ensuring the bundle is tied tight.
6. Your yarn should resemble a bun. Feed your scissors in to the many loops, cutting down the middle all the way around to create a messy pom-pom.
7. Trim the edges of your pom-pom to shape as you desire.

I find I can make 10-15 pom-poms in about an hour chilling on the couch watching the Twilight Zone- but all the trimming and shaping of the yarn really makes a mess. Tiny little fibers tend to go everywhere, and soon I look like I'm shedding, myself. A quick swipe with my Scotch-Brite™ 50% Stickier Lint Roller picks up stray threads off any nearby blankets, couch cushions, carpet, or even my sushi leggings.

1 yard of holiday print fabric/fleece
Cat safe (wire free) ribbon- I prefer burlap
Handmade, or bought, felt holiday light garland
Scotch-Brite™ 50% Stickier Lint Roller 60 Sheet 8" Roller
Candy Cane Red (hand dyed) sisal rope
Damage free decor/photo hanging hooks
Hot glue gun
Cat yarn pom-poms
Miscellaneous seasonal pet toys
First thing's first, take your Scotch-Brite™ 50% Stickier Lint Roller and roll the heck out of your old hairy cat tree. It took me 9 sheets to restore our medium sized cat tree to it's former glory- a good portion of the first swipes collecting larger debris such as sisal rope shreddings and cat nip.Nest, cover your cat tree's largest cubby/hideout with your chosen fabric. Most cat trees screw together with a hex wrench and can be easily dis-assembled with minimal effort. If you can remove any attachments on top of the hideout temporarily, your handi-work will look a little cleaner.
Drape the fabric over the edges of the hangout/perch/cube and trim it so that it just drapes over the edges by 4-5". Tie a knot in each corner to adjust the length of the cover to match the end of the surface. Cut a pinhole in the center of each corner, and attach them to individual (damage free) photo/decor hooks. Attach the hooks to the bottom of your cat tree. You may need to wipe down this surface prior to application to ensure the best stick.
Cut any needed slits in side panels to ensure your cat can freely enter and leave their favorite hideout.

Now it's time to plug in your trusty hot glue gun. Note: The dog will not be impressed, more than likely she's wondering how exactly it is that the cat bends you to her every will like this.
Regardless, carry on and begin wrapping the red sisal rope diagonally across your cat tree's main scratching post, as to create a 'candy cane' swirl illusion. Since the rope I'd chosen to use was on the thinner side, I doubled two wraps around for my final effect. Apply anchoring glue to the ends of the rope, and once in the middle- the glued rope will easily remove without leaving marks at the end of the season- or when your cat deems it simply must go.
I'd originally intended to use my burlap (wire free) ribbon to add a 'bow' to my 'wrapped' cat cubicle 'gift,' but instead thought it would make a nice accent to the 'much too tiny for any adult cat' perch. A big, sloppy bow was about as fancy as I got here.
If you really want to hit the decor jackpot invest in, or make, a simple felt holiday light garland to tie around your cat tree's highest point. It just so happened this was the perch atop the pillar I'd wrapped like a candy cane, so it all worked out rather nice. I also placed a reindeer chew toy in the useless tiny cat perch, and tossed several of my handmade cat pom-poms on the tree and nearby.

What Daughter Says: Don't let hair, fur, or glitter get in the way of your holiday style, re-imagine the holidays with pets and more!