I am not athletic- I wish I could fib and say I was really really ridiculously motivated and had a list of achievements and goals to rival (insert impressive athlete here,) but, alas, my fitness levels are meant more to maintain health than strive to make it better. I know, we can ALWAYS better ourselves, but these days my work schedule has me fortunate if I can simply tear away from the computer for a stretch every hour. However, the number of fit-addicts in my life is not in short supply. While I sit here feeling embarrassed to include the annual Color Run (fun run) in my portfolio of athletic accomplishments, I know someone who has been running legitimately since she was a freshman in high school. And, when I saw those treasured race bibs strung up around her office, amid haphazardly displayed medals, I knew I could make the perfect gift for her.
A handmade Race Bib Display is affordable and easy enough for the intermediate 'Do-It-Yourselfer' to accomplish with some screw in hardware, wood stain or paint, and a few days 'drying' patience. My biggest hurdle when gathering my materials was determining how large my board should be- race bibs vary in sizes with the average length hovering around 8.5", and width ranging from 5.5" to 7.5". With this in mind, I asked the friendly associate at my local hardware store to slice up my board into an even 12" x 15" hunk of wood. Most big name 'do-it-yourself' stores have a lumber yard with free cutting services for those who are a bit shy of saws and mis-cuts, like me.
Also on my materials list: rough and smooth grit sandpaper sheets, protective gloves, wood stain, 4 matching hooks (for medal display,) 2 simple hooks (for bib hanging,) stencils and acrylic paint, aerosol wood seal, and 2 matching mounting brackets.
This particular recipient happened to be a big Green Bay Packers fan, so my design choice was clear. Whether you are planning on staining or painting your wood board you will want to give each surface side a generous sand down in a well ventilated area (with paper mask and goggles or other mouth and eye protection.) I paid particular attention to the sharp edges of the board, and corners, which I carefully rounded into a more finished presentation. For the finish I used a wiping wood stain by Minwax to tint my wood a rich Hunter's Green (otherwise known as Emerald to the brand,) though several traditional wood stain finishes were also available.
I rubbed the stain into the wood with circular motions using gloves and an old scrap garage towel. The stain dried fairly fast, about 30 minutes between coats, and took 2 solid coats to reach the even, rich, color I desired.
Next came the fun part, layout and design- My local hardware store also happened to have some 2.5" letter stencils for less than $2 that paired perfectly with a team face painting logo stencil I had on hand. I sponged the words and logo onto the stained wood board and waited patiently for it to dry. Once dry, 2 coats of Fast Drying Polyurethane Clear Seal from Minwax had my handmade Race Bib Display looking sleek and professional. The final step of the clear coat seal really brought the stain work on the wood to life and added an extra layer of professionalism to my finished work.
If you don't have a race bib on hand, for a reference point, when drilling your hardware, go with 8.5" as your width. I knew my recipient had run hundreds of races through the years and would have a wide variety of shapes and sizes in bibs. Don't fret! No matter where you space the hanging hooks your recipient will be able to use them- simply remind them to hang their bibs with safety pins (much like many runners use to affix their bibs to their race-day clothing! Hanging bibs with safety pins will allow for multiple shapes and sizes to be properly displayed on the board.
I especially like this handmade gift idea for everyone from tweens beginning their first few fun runs to seasoned racers (biking, running, and so on.) It's even a great way to get the entire family involved with upcoming events- why not make one for a central location in your own home- those medal hooks are a great place to store keys until you build your collection! I may not be finishing first in any triathlons this year, but I will be making one of these race bib displays for our house to help get me motivated to stay more active!
What Daughter Says: A handmade race bib display is the perfect gift to support friends and family with a passion for personal achievements.