Momma Told Me: Defying Thinning Hair With The #Cerafill Daily System #Sponsored

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Defying Thinning Hair With The #Cerafill Daily System #Sponsored

I am participating in a Vibrant Influencer network campaign for Cerafill powered by Redken. All opinions contained below are genuine, all photos are copyright Momma Told Me Blog 2014/
Redken's #Cerafill Defy system for thinning hair helps fortify hair fibers for stronger and fuller looking strands. #Sponsored
Momma Told Me: A hair on the head, or two in the brush.

I've always had obnoxiously thick hair. The kind of full, voluminous, flowing tresses you find more of a nuisance in drying and slow styling; until one day you don't have them anymore. I take immaculate care of my hair, I really do. I spend a lot of money on sulfate free cleansers, masks, and oils to counteract even the minimal hair drying I do. And when I colored my hair it was with the most mild, semi-permanent, ammonia and peroxide free, hues I could find. Then, one afternoon I asked my bestie to help out with a routine we'd done a dozen times- I wanted to strip the gunked up color to start fresh. Unfortunately, what ended up on my head was not what I'd so painstakingly selected to go on my precious locks. By the time my scalp began burning, and I raced to the shower to rinse, my hair was falling out in clumps.
Is your hiar thinning and brittle?
Chemically damaged hair is not the same as naturally thinning hair. I need to make that clear. There are a lot of factors that come into play when discussing hair health. As a modern woman, styling and at home coloring is one of the biggest offenders to your hairs health from root to tip. Naturally, bleaching is the worst, but using a curling iron, straightener, hair dryer, or even highlights all put strain on the core of each hair strand. Anything that deals with heat usually melts the strand's core to help get it to 'behave' and hold a specific style, and any boxed colorant contains chemicals (even the semi permanent ones.) I was blessed with a beautiful, full, thick head of hair, and seeing anything less then my glorious main brought tears to my eyes. I knew it would be a long road back.
Redken's #Cerafill Defy system for thinning hair helps fortify hair fibers for stronger and fuller looking strands. #Sponsored
I've tried a bunch of wonder treatments, serums, and systems. What I've learned is there is no quick fix for damaged or thinning hair. Unless you're about to have them graft some onto your head, of course, and even that takes time. The first part of coping with thinning hair is understanding why it's thinning and which stage of hair loss you are in. Many people are simply born with medium to thin hair and desire a fuller look for styling, or are experiencing the beginning stages of thinning due to health, environment, age, or stress factors. these people can often benefit from a density building system like Redken Cerafill Defy. Others, who have noticed a growing part, thinning hairline, or receding hairline, may need treatment for advanced thinning hair, like the Cerafill Retailiate system.
Did you know that the normal growth cycle of healthy strand of hair can last from 2 to 6 years? Many of us think of hair as lifeless strands growing out of our scalp. The truth is, healthy hair grows about 1/2" per month, and in optimal cases up to 36" of hair can be assumed active and 'living.' When hair begins thinning or is damaged it is considered dormant, and it's active growing phase is stalled or entirely inactive leaving your strands weak to breakage, splitting, and dull texture. The picture above indicates a 'good' hair day 1 month back, prior to starting the Cerafill Defy system. We'll ignore the fact I was too terrified to even touch up the semi permanent cover-up color (and my color is splotchy.) It makes me cringe to see my beautiful hair so clearly damaged and crying out for help.
Redken's #Cerafill Defy system for thinning hair helps fortify hair fibers for stronger and fuller looking strands. #Sponsored
When I first began a two week treatment regimen of Redken #Cerafill Defy Shampoo, Conditioner, and Scalp Treatment I had no expectations. I certainly had no vision of waking up with a full head of hair Rapunzel style; and that's not what the system promises. So we were off to a good start. What Cerafill Defy did promise to do was improve the look and feel of existing hair, while adding texture and shine to emulate health. Defy considers itself a thickening system which helps fortify your current hair follicles for less breakage and to fight the appearance of thinning. It does not promise to make your hair grow, and it was very clearly about this; which I appreciated as a consumer.
Redken's #Cerafill Defy system for thinning hair helps fortify hair fibers for stronger and fuller looking strands. #Sponsored
After my first use I felt a little crazy thinking my hair looked and felt fuller. In the shower I had experienced a tingling (almost menthol) sensation when shampooing. I'll admit this terrified me at first. I experienced an ordinary (since being damaged) amount of hair loss when rinsing, and again when brushing. I breathed deep as I waited for my strands to partially air dry before picking up the blow dryer. Once dry, I gathered my hair at the nape of my neck and did a thickness test, it felt noticeably thicker when gathered. Visually, my hair looked less thin when it naturally fell to each side.
Redken's #Cerafill Defy system for thinning hair helps fortify hair fibers for stronger and fuller looking strands. #Sponsored
For two weeks I washed my hair every other day, using the Cerafill Defy system exclusively, and toning daily with the Energizing Scalp Treatment (which also had a faint tingling sensation.) For me the most dramatic result was the hair I was losing in the shower by the second week had nearly cut in half. Today, I see no more hair loss when rinsing than I did before my 'accident.' Even brushing seems to put less strain on my strands and my hair seems to full fuller. Do I have gorgeous 80's hair? No, my hair didn't burst into a chia pet overnight, but the results are certainly undeniable. My road to hair recovery won't be easy, but I've decided that Cerafill will definitely be a part of it! To find out more about hair thinning and loss, or receive a salon consultation near you check out the Redken salon finder today.

Have you ever had issues with hair loss or thinning? What caused them? How did you treat it?

What Daughter Says: Understanding hair loss is the most important key to treating it.


  1. I have thick curly hair but my daughter has super straight, fine hair. She's always looking for something to help! I'll have to tell her about this!

  2. My hair still falls out in clumps from having kids. I'm not bald yet but my hair needs help.

  3. I have had some issues with thinning hair over the past year. A mixture of hormone changes and medication have made it happen. I am going to try this and see if it helps me!

  4. I can't wait to share this post with my aunt. She'll be really excited to see the difference that it made for you. I think that she should try these products.

  5. This looks like a great product! I've noticed that my hair is starting to look a bit thinner than usual (and it was already thin). I'm going to give this a shot.

  6. I'm going to give Cerafil a shot. I've got no complaints about the hair I have, but I've noticed that I seem to have less of it lately.

  7. I'm going to give Cerafil a shot. I've got no complaints about the hair I have, but I've noticed that I seem to have less of it lately.

  8. I've got to try this stuff! Like a lot of women, my hair is starting to thin a little as I age. I don't like that!

  9. I am going to give this a try. After pregnancy, my hair is really thinning. I want to make sure I do not lose more and more!

  10. I need to try this. Your results are impressive and I want to see if this will help my thinning hair.

  11. Looks like a wonderful product. I'm going to share this with my mother. I've noticed her hair has been getting thinner over the last several months. Thanks for the info.

  12. wow, I am super-impressed... what amazing results... I will have to pass this onto my friend who struggles a bit.

  13. Menopause wreaked havoc on my hair. It was never super thick but it's just been getting thinner as time has passed.

  14. My hair falls out by the handful after I have a baby. The results from this product are amazing!!

  15. Wow, you can really see a difference between the before and after. I've always had a little thinning in my crown area; if it progresses, I will want to check Cerafill out.

  16. I suffered hair loss after weight loss and my thick hair is no more. My hair ia growing back but won't ever be the same. I am really tempted to try this just wonder how much it costs?

  17. I am having hair loss problems as well, thanks to hormones and stress. I am def gonna try this!!

  18. Those are great photos! Especially the before and after. I have thick hair so it's hard for me to understand, but I know many memories of my family do! I'll make referral and hopefully it helps!

  19. Your hair looks gorgeous. I have a family member that would love to try this. I know that she'll be excited to learn about it.

  20. Wow, you can really see a difference. I am beginning to see my part widen. Perhaps I should look into this treatment.

  21. Definitely after pregnancy...but my husband has the worst thinning hair, poor baby

  22. Your hair looks great. I have super thick, curly hair (which I straighten), so I don't need this right now, but my mom is a cancer survivor and her hair came in super thin after chemo, so this would be perfect for her.

  23. Wow, I M VERY impressed by your before and after pics! My hair could supply 5 wigs it is so thick, but I know I few people who could use this product.

  24. I have oodles of hair (praise Jesus) but I did loose a ton of hair during pregnancy and menopause. SO I can sympathize with those who suffer. I this helps someone with this condition then that is great.

  25. Love the before/after pics, how awesome!

  26. Looks like a great product. My hair has always been thin, hopefully it won't get even worse as I get older. I am glad to know there are solutions if I start needing them!

  27. Sounds like a wonderful shampoo. I am going to share this with my mother who has thinning hair.

  28. My hair isn't thinning unusually. But it has always been thin to start with. I wonder if it make a difference for someone like me.

  29. OMGosh I would have freaked out if that happened to me!! So glad to hear that the Cerafill is doing it's job. I do lose a lot of hair in the shower and my brush, always have. And it's always worried me too.

  30. I've been noticing my hair thinning but didn't know what products to try. Will have to look into the Cerafill Retailiate system. It really fulled out your hair.

  31. My hair is thinning with age, and I just started using the Cerafill Defy system. In just one week, I definitely feel more thickness and the volume is better. I will definitely continue to use these products. (No promo here, I bought the system!)

  32. When you visit an outlet in order to get the best shampoo and Hair loss conditioner, you simply suppose that's the best hair treatments to reduce your hair loss; you will be left confused looking at the huge range of solutions and professional services,

  33. Through extensive research and testing, dermatologists found that coupling (a vitamin-A derived substance) with Minoxidil produced dramatically better results than just using Minoxidil alone. Retinol helps control the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands produce sebum on the scalp. Sebum contains DHT (DHT which is produced from testosterone is the androgen thought to be most responsible for male pattern baldness), which is then reabsorbed into the hair follicles to do further damage. Proper moderation of the sebaceous glands and their production of sebum can help control skin scalp DHT levels and when combined with Minoxidil further helps prevent androgen related hair loss.

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