Momma Told Me: Bucket List Tuesday: Charity Goals For Life

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Bucket List Tuesday: Charity Goals For Life

I've had my hands full with a homemade Tiramisu project today, so my Bucket List Tuesday post is going up a little late. However,in between layering coffee drenched ladyfingers, I had some time to consider which of my goals I wanted to discuss. After all, while one's Bucket List may be full of crazy and fun activities or events, it is just as important for mine to contain lifetime goals of a more long term nature. With this week marking the year anniversary of my grandmother, a woman I can only hope to one day emulate with even a fraction of her compassion and heart, and yesterday's jarring events in Boston, #3 (Charity) seemed fitting. I am no Saint; but it physically pains me to watch suffering, to the point I cannot sit through graphic sequences of loss, even in films like Titanic. As strong as these feelings are, I also recognize their value. If one cannot see these things (hunger, illness, strife) with open eyes, than how can one truly appreciate that which they have?
No, I'm not signing on to do missionary work, though I admire and value so much those who do- but there are a few things in my lifetime I hope to do; perhaps some even more than once. The biggest part of this very generic Bucket List topic is to practice charity with a kind heart and open mind day to day. That is to say, I expect this one to only find it's final check mark at my last breath. I have already found a way to impact my community in a small sense by reaching out to those on corners with signs through Blessings Bags. You don't have to be an individual of faith to understand the meaning behind these aptly titled gallon size Ziplocs, chocked full of life's essentials. You may recall my tale of how they came to be a staple in our car's backseat. Essentially they are an alternative to case and change that offers those in need immediate water, food, and basic sanitation solutions. I give money as well, when I can; but this way I am never caught off guard by an extended hand.
When I left college and journeyed across country to be with my high school sweetheart in Rhode Island, I quickly learned just how hard it was to survive on my own. I recall I worked 3 jobs, 7 days away, and many with double shifts, just to get by. Of course, I was young and in love, so I was content to work so hard in exchange for the simple life I maintained. I recall the weather I had so favored as a child, turning cold as Winter neared. That Thanksgiving, far from my West Coast family, I dedicated my time helping out in a soup kitchen run by a local church. This is something I have been wanting to repeat in the year's since. Of course there is need for helping hands and able bodies in food kitchens 365 days a year, but most seem motivated more easily during the holidays when we are inclined to feel so very grateful. For me, the timing is not important, I simply know where to find places in need more readily during this time of the year.
Lastly, my love for animals impacts this charitable goal. I have long maintained a feeling of unease at the sight of animals in cages. I don't even frequent zoos because I question the happiness of an animal kept in a pen just a few multiples of it's own size. Ask the other half, if I could have a menagerie of cats and dogs in our home, I would. I'm already, technically, over our home owner's association limit with the 3 we have (shhhhh!) This is why my final goal is more of a retirement plan. One day I'd love to own a nice old house in a rural area where I could dedicate an entire porch or wander room to cats with lifelong illness and handicaps. Inspired by my personal favorite shelter, the Blind Cat Rescue in North Carolina (which houses 100 cats, permanently), this would be something much smaller in scale. I envision an open home for pet owners to surrender their cats for proper lifelong care and medical assistance. In the mean time, until I can reach that goal, I spend my free time encouraging others to vote with me daily for the Blind Cat Rescue to win a $10k grant. It's as simple as clicking over to here, typing in "Blind Cat Rescue" and choosing NC as the state. Then click vote, and enter the captcha! They are in a very close 2nd place, so every vote helps!

Do you have a charity goal or interest that fuels your life?


  1. Ever since I got my Striiv, I've been walking more because each step helps towards a donation goal. I don't have particular charities I do but I support a variety of them.

  2. I have always wanted to do more with WATER. Which I believe is essential to life quality everywhere.

  3. I try to help any program my kid's school is currently working on. They have a new service campaign each year. I also strive to help our family crisis center and food banks. I want to help teach my kids the value of service and giving.

  4. I live in NC! Thanks for helping a charity in my state. :P

  5. I often work with MS since my mom had it. I also work with the school. Heifer International does great work to provide animals to families in need so they can have eggs and milk.

  6. Excellent! I work with the American Cancer Society to raise funds for cancer awareness and research via Relay for Life.

  7. This is a great thing to have on your bucket list. I would love to win the lottery so I could donate freely to my favorite charities. My family really enjoys helping the environment and endangered animals, so that is probably where a lot of our donations would go.

  8. I love that you have a charity goal. It's not really something I thought of, but I do plan to do some charity events each year. This year I'm planning on getting a team together for a local breast cancer 5K, instead of just walking with another team. It's going to be a lot of work, but I want to do it for multiple reasons, so yea :) Besides, lots of work or not, it's totally worth it!

  9. LOve this wonderful post :) i use to donate weekly with my paychecks to various organizations but since i stopped working out side the home i havent. I need to start up again!

  10. I work with Kids Fit Foundation to keep kids healthy and moving as well as a local Creatively Caring that helps families to give back to the community

  11. I try to donate my time volunteering at local shelters and housing units doing crafts and activities with the kids.

  12. I love that you have a charity goal on your bucket list. I like to help charities that care for children and families.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  13. Our school has a great program to help less fortunate families by having kids bring in non perishable food items. They love having classroom battles to see who wins. With a building of 5 sections each of K-4, you can imagine how many items are collected! The prize? Winning class in each grade gets a 20 min extra recess. It motivates them!

  14. Very awesome desire. I don't really do enough for the community and know that I should.
    I did vote too. I love that there is a rescue place for kitties who need it.

  15. I share your dream. I have 8 cats, all rescues and 3 dogs, rescued too. i'd also like a house in a rural, safe area where i can do more.
